Merchandise Page
The Mission of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc. (EAF) is to promote lifelong learning. This is accomplished by securing charitable contributions, gifts and endowed funds to award scholarships, fellowships and community assistance awards. Supporting EAF makes a tangible and permanent difference in the lives of the individuals and community organizations we support.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Educational Advancement Foundation, Inc.
5656 South Stony Island Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60637
Toll free: 800.653.6528. Web: www.akaeaf.org
Phone: 773-.947.0026. Fax: 773-947-0277
Email: akaeaf@akaeaf.net

NEW! EAF Signature EAF Lapel Pin
Official 40th Anniversary Commemorative Scarf

EAF Lapel Pin
EAF Tumbler

Perpetuating Our Posterity pub. 2000
Philanthropy In Perpetuity pub. 2015